Is your website
hitting its numbers
or hurting yours?

Your website is first and foremost a tool for your business. Whether selling goods online, generating leads, or promoting your brand, it's out there 24/7, working for you. But how good a job does it do?

An underperforming website can mean lost business, opportunities, and sales. Yet many firms aren't aware of problems when they exist, much less which ones most need to be fixed. That's where we come in.

Looking to solve problems with your website? Talk to us.
We're a Tokyo-based digital agency specializing in:
Website analysis and speed/performance tuning
Optimization for conversions, lead generation, and sales
Usability testing and user experience design

Fixing your website just got easier.

Our website review and assessment service is a quick, low-cost way to identify problems with your website that lead to lost sales, opportunities, or visitor engagement. Now you can put the tools and expertise of a local digital agency to work for you, at little cost and with no obligation to pay or do anything more.

Here's how it works:

  • Review
    We conduct a thorough review of your website, looking at areas such as content, keywords, usability, technologies used, mobile support, and SEO to identify areas which need to be corrected or improved.
  • Report
    Next we prepare a detailed report on our findings, broken down by rating area. Each rating area has its own score and an explanation of the rating criteria, tips, and guidelines for making corrections.
  • Recommend
    Finally, we prepare three specific recommendations for changes to your website that will have a direct, positive effect on the KPIs that you choose. Make these changes yourself or have us handle them, as you like.

The Assessment Report

  • Overall Score
    Overall Score A numeric score which provides
    an at-a-glance measure of the
    overall state of your website.
  • Score by Area
    Score by Area See how your website performs
    across a range of rating areas
    like SEO, mobile, and usability
  • ファーストビューチェック
    First-view Check How do visitors see your
    website when they arrive?
  • 他デバイスチェック
    Device Support How does your website look
    on smartphones and tablets?

The report includes the following

  • SEO
    (Keywords, heading tags, ALT tags, page titles, backlinks, etc.)
  • Mobile
    (Mobile devide support, touch-screen support, speed/page load time, etc.)
  • Usability
    (Favicon, error pages, printability, security, and more)
  • Technologies
    (Speed, W3C compliance, encoding, data encryption via SSL, etc.)

Why get an assessment?

  • 低予算
    Just 30,000 yen
    Pay a little, get a lot.
  • スピード診断
    Only 3 business days
    to get your report.
  • ノーリスク
    One-time charge
    100% guaranteed.

If your website is already delivering the right results then maybe you don't need our help. If not, however, you're guaranteed to benefit from our assessment service.

The service is available websites. We guarantee the changes we recommend in our report will deliver positive results above and beyond the cost of the service or we will refund your fee entirely. You read that right. Our website review and assessment service comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Assessment Service Flow

  1. Use our form
    to order your
    website assessment.
  2. Our specialists
    review and
    assess your website.
  3. We prepare your
    report and
  4. We deliver
    your report in your
    requested language.


  • How does payment work?
    Payment is made online, in advance, using either a credit card or Paypal.
  • I have some questions about the service.
    No problem. Contact us with any questions you may have and we will get back to you promptly.
  • Can we talk about a more in-depth website review?
    We are happy to discuss other ways we can help.
    Please contact us using our Project Planner to find out more about what
    we offer in the areas of website design, digital marketing, or website optimization.